Episode 19: Weird Internet Shit

Joining me today is Andy, my Brother!

I am on vacation at his house in the middle of nowhere and we will discuss weird internet shit.

From ARG's to the Deep Dark Web!

Listen as his little doggies never stop walking around, constant interruptions from his wife and my Mom! This is a real professional podcast people!

Episode 18: Roman Hart

Joining me today is Roman Hart! Local Burlesque performer, Pink Bratty Domme Princess and one of my models! She's weird, funny and always down for some fun art! I really enjoy her and I hope you will too, well even if you don't we don't care! From face sitting to waffles, join us for some awesome conversation! 

Joining me today is Roman Hart!

Joining me today is Roman Hart!

Episode 14: Let's Talk Horror

Kelli and I discuss horror photography and why we love to make it!
We get off topic and it goes into our love of Hawaiian men, it's a roller coaster ride with us ok!
I blame Kelli.

This was done about a month ago and I have seen IT since and IT was AMAZING!


Episode 13: I Ain't Afraid of No Ghosts

Kelli and I talk about ghosts and spookies!
Learn about some haunted Minnesota places and some personal spooky stories from us!
Side note! Kelli and I did visit Nopeming after learning about it in this podcast, and it's super cool! We recommend taking the tour! 

Episode 12: Do You Like Scary Movies?

Well, do ya? I mean, they are not for everyone but you should really like them anyway! I mean who doesn't like to be scared? Joining me is Alyx and Andy! Alyx is one of my models and Andy is her boyfran! We will discuss our favorite scary movies and why being scared is so much fun!

Joining me today is Alyx and Andy!

Joining me today is Alyx and Andy!

Episode 10: We Are Positive Your Body Is Fine

This episode Kelli and I discuss body positivity. In the words of one of my idols "If you can't love yourself how the hell ya gonna love somebody else! CAN I GET AN AMEN IN HERE?!"
Don't let others dictate your self worth! Be happy with who you are, and if you are not then change it, but only change for yourself